How To Maximize Office Space With The Help Of Self Storage Units

The good news is…your business is booming.  The bad news is…you don’t have enough office space.  Every new client that you acquire means additional information that you need to store.  Plus additional manpower that you need to hire to attend to the requirements of your new clients.  All these mean additional space.

You have two options. One is to get bigger office space.  The thing with this is that whatever additional revenue you may earn, may just go to office rental. The fact of life is …office space can be very expensive.   You have a second and better option… Self Storage Units.

Self Storage Units are a cost effective solution for our need for more space.

Have a working budget, as this will help you decide on how big a space you can afford. look for one near your office so you can easily access whatever is stored in your unit.

You will need the help of your employees to decide what will be stored Self Storage Units.  Now, here are some steps to help you de-clutter your office.

  1. Begin with the tables.  Ask everyone to keep only what they need.  Books that are not read, paper that are not used, mugs that have been gifts from so many Christmases ago must go.  Remind everyone that although stuff toys are cute, they only add clutter in the office.
  1. Files.  The rule of thumb is files that are five years old can be trashed away.  You can inform your clients that your filing system can only accommodate information five-years down.  Shred these or bring it to recycling stations.
  1. Office supplies.  Everyone is on the look-out for a good buy and that includes office supplies.  So you must have bought a lot of stock during the last sale season.  Store these in your self storage unit. You must also have some supplies that you don’t use everyday…these too can go in your storage unit.
  1. Office Equipment.  If you have an oversupply of computers in your office, store these in your storage units.  Then should new personnel come in, you can easily retrieve one for their use.
  1. Office Furniture.  The furniture you bought when you were just starting  and still had enough space can now be stored in your storage unit for future use.

Now, that you have rid your office of unnecessary items, you will be surprised at how much space you have recovered.  Your old office will definitely look bigger, providing more elbow room for your employees.  The space you have created will also redound to higher productivity which translates to bigger profits.

Keep your office space uncluttered with the help of Self Storage Units.  Want to have more office space? The answer is Self Storage Units – Click here to learn more